Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oliver’s Egg Mayo

I miss my husband terribly and since I still have many more months to wait for us to be together again, I just hold on to his favourite foods for now, like Oliver’s Super Sandwiches Egg Mayo P98.

It is his favourite sandwich in Oliver’s, he usually have this on buttered then toasted/grilled bread. So that’s what I ordered, the same thing, the same way.

It tasted good, creamy egg mayo on a crunchy, nutty and chewy wheat bread, but it wasn’t as good as I remember it to be. What’s missing? Butter, salt and pepper.

When I asked the staff, he said that they don’t put butter or oil on their breads. Since when I asked again, and he answered ever since. I doubt that it’s true because we (my husband and I) usually have our sandwich with butter. I may not know everything but I definitely know my Oliver’s Sandwiches. About the salt and pepper, I was too hungry to ask =p

Happy Eating!

2nd Level, GLorietta 2,
Makati City

1 comment:

i♥pinkc00kies said...

alam ko rin they don't put butter eh..

anyway i love oliver's (and subway too!) coz im love eating sandwiches! my fave is their almond chicken cajun

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